Focus and Scope
The journal includes works on contemporary economics, business, and the accounting conversation in theoretical, empirical, and comparative studies. He welcomes articles related to economics, business and accounting, as well as allied disciplines that are not limited to Indonesian economics, business and accounting, but also international economics, business and accounting. Articles submitted to the Journal may cover topical issues, but are not limited to marketing, human resources, corporate finance, production, accounting, public administration, and public policy.
Ejurnal Widya Persada is dedicated to publishing high-quality scientific papers in all disciplines of economics, business and accounting studies. The aim of this Journal is to provide a leading forum for enhanced communication between researchers and policy makers about current developments in economics, business, and accounting.
Being a means of publication of research on economics, business and accounting, as well as allied disciplines that are not limited to Indonesian economics, business and accounting which supports STIE Widya Persada as a research College of Economics towards Entrepreneurship.
1. Providing research publication facilities that are up to date, competitive, and efficient.
2. Encouraging research activities that can improve welfare.